Swift Loop tool
The Swift Loop tool allows you to quickly and easily add, remove, and move an edge loop.
To enable Swift Loop, select the object, go to the Modeling tab in the Ribbon panel, and click Swift Loop in the Edit section.
To disable the Swift Loop, click anywhere in the viewport.
Let's explore all the possibilities of this tool. By default, it just slices new edges.
If you hold down Shift, it will slice new edges centered between the existing ones.
If you add edges with Shift held on curved surfaces, the geometry will be rounded. Similar to the Flow Connect function.
If you hold Ctrl while the Swift loop tool is active, you can select the entire loop of edges with one click.
With the Alt key pressed, you can move the selected loop across the surface of the model. The edges will "slide" along the grid.
If you move the edges with Ctrl+Alt pressed simultaneously, the loop will remain parallel to the edges closest to it (see the animation).
The loop is deleted with Shift+Ctrl pressed simultaneously. Hold down the keys, point to the edges you want to remove and click.
Be sure to try all modes of the Swift Loop tool yourself. This will help you remember them and apply them to your work in the future.
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