Handy SubMaterial Picker script
When adding a finished 3D model to a scene, it often happens that this model has multi-sub material. A big one with lots of textures. You add material to the editor, and it is combined into a huge "multisab" and try to figure out where it is screwed. You can find the material you need, but before you find it you'll grow old... What to do with these models?
The SubMaterial Picker script allows you to select the desired SubMaterial right from the preview window without loading the whole Multy/Sub-Object material.
It will automatically load the material into the SME or CME editor (depending on what you open).
IMPORTANT: if you hold down Shift, the tool will work like a normal Material picker.
INSTALL: Place in the ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 20**\MacroScripts folder.
Restart 3ds max and find the "SubMaterialPicker" category.
The script works in ALL versions of 3ds Max.
Download it here: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/submaterial-picker
Have a good rendering!
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