Useful article
November 24, 2022

Texture search from reference?

Do you ever find yourself looking at a reference for your future scene, and it shows a material with a texture that you don't have?
Let's say a non-standard brick wall. A beautiful masonry wall of a shape, size, and color that you don't have in your material library.

So how do you quickly find a similar texture on the Internet?
There is a good way that may come in handy for you.

So, you save the reference on your computer and open it in Photoshop. Carefully selecting a piece of masonry, you frame it. Then you save the image separately. From there it's pretty simple - open the Internet and turn on the picture search, pasting this image. Set the size in the texture search options - for example, larger than 2000x2000. The image of the masonry you need will be found faster than you would search for it manually.

It is also convenient to use the service
The image search is an effective and convenient way to find textures.

Have a good rendering!

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