Useful article
January 13, 2023

Corona Converter Settings

Exploring the Corona Converter Settings.
How do I convert from V-ray to Corona?

There is a Corona Converter for this. To add it to the right-click menu, go to Customize Customize user interfaceGuadsCategoryCorona renderer

And move the menu to the right column.

Then we open the converter and see a bunch of checkboxes and buttons:

Convert specular to reflection - convert the intensity of reflection and glossiness into the same properties of the CoronaMtl reflection.

adv. VrayBlinn to CoronaGGX - replacing VrayBlinn with CoronaGGX (a material that describes how light reflects off the surface of another material).
(... it is better not to include it.)

Convert VrayiHDRI - converts Vray HDRI map to standard Bitmap.

add prefix to converted mtls - adds CRN prefix to all converted materials.

999 Fresnel IOR to 25 - if Fresnel reflection was disabled in VrayMtl, then the value of Fresnel reflection will be 25 when converting to Corona.

miAreaLight to CoronaLight - converts miAreaLight source to CoronaLight.

Bitmap to CoronaBitmap - converts bitmap textures to Corona bitmap.

Convert Proxies (popup dialog) - converts Vray proxies to Corona objects in a popup window.

Switch renderer to Corona - switch renderer engine to Corona.

All (materials, maps, ligts) - convert all: materials, maps, light sources.

Only scene materials and maps.

Only scene lights.

Materials of selected objects.

Selected material editor slot.


1. ResetMatEdit to CoronaMtls - switches the material editor to Corona.

2. Show Statistics - statistics on conversion.

3. Disable displacement maps - disables relief maps (Displacement map).

4. Convert by class - conversion of certain types of materials, you can choose which ones.

5. Remove old glossiness conversion map - removes old glossiness maps from previously converted scenes.

6. Show maps in VP (selected obj) - on/ include defusion maps in the viewport. If the parameter is on, after conversion the textures on the scene materials will be visible in the viewport.

/off - after conversion the textures on the scene materials will not be visible in the viewport.

7. CoronaMtl PBR Mode - on/off - turns on the Physically Based Rendering (physically correct rendering) settings for CoronaMtl.

/off - turns off the PBR settings for CoronaMtl.

8. Legacy mode - disables legacy mode for CoronaMtl and CoronaLightMtl.

9. RoundEdges map legacy mode - on/off enables or disables legacy mode for all CoronaRoundEdges maps.

10. Fix opacity maps w. "Mono channel Output" on - Opacity maps use one "output" channel. When rendering, RGB channels are used instead of one - Alpha. This feature tries to fix the problem where needed. For example, on leaves.

11. Fix CoronaNormal gamma value - fixes the CoronaNormal gamma (normal maps). Sometimes normals are rendered incorrectly after conversion. An error message pops up saying "A normal map appears to be using input image with incorrect gamma. This can cause shading artifacts. Get rid of the error and fix the gamma.

12. Convert VrayDisplacementMod modifiers - converts the Displacement Vray modifier on the same, only Corona.

13. Bitmap>CoronaBitmap - converts the bitmaps to the same, only Corona.

CoronaBitmap>Bitmap - converts the opposite.

14. Check online for new converter version - opens the window with the information about the new actual converter update.

Now the converter settings will not scare you!

Have a good rendering!

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