Useful article
April 27, 2023

Corona Ambient Occlusion (AO) - what is it and how to use it?

The Corona Ambient Occlusion map will help you when creating complex materials such as rusty metal, worn wood, scratched paint, etc.

Read more about it in article:

Corona AO is a map you can use to color concave and convex surface areas. By default, when Corona AO is plugged into the Diffuse slot, it darkens crevices and cavities in objects, and brightens flat and protruding areas. Corona AO can also be used to create complex materials such as rusty metal, worn wood, and scratched paint.

Corona AO settings

Occluded color - the color of the shading. Allows you to select the occluded color using the color palette or the loaded map.

Unoccluded color - basic color. Allows you to select the main color of the material using the color palette or a loaded map.

Occluded color and Unoccluded color, can work not only with color but also with

Max Distance - the distance to which the shading will be applied. Can also work on the map.

Color spread - adjusts the ratio between the main color and the shaded color (-1 - main color, 1 - shaded color).

Max samples - is responsible for the quality. Higher values render slower, but immediately give clean results. It is recommended to set the value in the range 16-20, this is the best option.

Calculate from - allows you to select the distribution mode of shading (Outside, Inside, Outside + Inside).

Outside - the shading will be distributed in the recesses of the geometry.

Inside - the shading will be distributed on the protruding geometry.

Outside + Inside - calculation of both modes simultaneously.

It is very difficult to calculate in advance which option (inside or outside) will be suitable in each specific situation. Therefore, you will have to choose a successful mode by yourself, going through the options and visually assessing the result.

Ray directionality - the value that sets the dependence of shading on the direction of the polygon normals (normal is a vector perpendicular to the plane of the polygon). If the value is zero, the effect is absent. At a value of 1, the effect is maximal, i.e. shading occurs only where the normals of the polygons are directed to meet each other.

Direction offset X/Y/Z - shading offset. It is used very rarely.

Excludes - different ways to limit the shadowing effect.

No excludes - the shading is unrestricted.

Use exclude list - allows to exclude some objects.

Only the same object occludes - shading occurs only on the object itself, ignoring all neighboring objects adjacent to it.

Only other objects occlude - shading occurs only in places adjacent to other objects.

Ambient Occlusion is an essential aid in creating patina, scuffing. Here's a clear example:

When creating a material with the addition of Ambient Occlusion, you should understand that there is no exact, universal value for each model, because each object has its own size, its own geometry. Therefore, in any case, you have to twist the settings and look at the result, which turns out. But now, thanks to this article, you have an understanding of what is responsible for, and how it works.

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